Tomorrow I am leaving for my holiday in Greece. The days will be filled with sand, swimming and lovely food, and the nights will be filled with colourful cocktails and all-night dancing at the hottest clubs. I can't wait. It will be fabulous. I am just done with packing my suitcase, and the content looks something like the polyvore collage above. Anyway, I won't be able to blog for about two weeks, but don't be sad just yet - you will have plenty to read in my old blog, if you haven't already checked it out! It is in norwegian, so you may not understand, but looking at pictures is fun anyway. http://www.storemotegarderoben.blogg.no/ Have a lovely time while I'm gone, I sure will!
God tur da ;D
SvarSlettTusen takk :) Er hjemme nå, ganske deilig :)